John Frieda Brilliant Brunette Liquid Shine Luminous Color Review

John Frieda Brilliant Brunette Liquid Shine Luminous Color Glaze-6.5 oz
Customer Ratings: 4 stars
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Brilliant Brunette Luminous Color Glaze by John Freida is very simple to use, fast and effective. I use it once to twice a week at the start of my shower. After a quick wash and condition I apply the glaze, pin up my hair and finish my shower, rinsing my hair thoroughly before leaving the shower. I love the color. It's dark and slightly warm. It covers my gray without being harsh. Since it's a glaze rather than a dye it works with the gray to make highlights which creates multidimensional color, much more natural looking then a heavy one color dye which you'd then have to apply highlights on to get close to a natural appearance.

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I have dirty blonde hair that can look more blonde or brunette depending on the season or amount of sunlight hitting it. This product, in the dark/espresso version, is just enough of a hit that my hair looks brunette consistently. The product says to use it on a regular basis, or 2-3/wk but I only use it once or maybe twice a week. If your hair were lighter or darker than mine I would bet you'd have to use it more often to get the same results, but since my hair is already borderline I don't have to do as much.

There's a lot in one bottle so it should last you a couple of months, even if you are using it more than once a week. It also only takes me a couple dollops (quarter-sized amounts) for each use (one for the roots, one for the ends) to spread it evenly, and my hair is a quarter ways down my back.

The color change is immediately noticeable for me, but like I said, my color is borderline already. It just needs an extra hit.

It will leave that "just been dyed" odor on your hair, but it is not the worst of the dye smells out there. You can tell it's from dye, but it's not unpleasant or overpowering and it goes away after one wash.

Dye will leave a residue on your hands at first, but as you rinse out your hair it will wash off. Will not leave marks on sink or bathtub. Same goes for skin surrounding hairline.

And I try to leave it in for at least the recommended amount of time (3+ minutes). This isn't difficult if you're showering at the same time. Just shampoo/condition, put it in, then do everything else in a shower (wash, shave, rinse face, whatever) and 3+ minutes will have gone by for sure.

I also get lots of compliments on shine after I first use this product, and I have to say I noticed it too. It definitely gives off the shine of a salon dye! I also get compliments on the color as well, so it mustn't just be me who notices something!

I will definitely keep buying this product as long as it's available. It's far cheaper than going to the salon, and pretty much foolproof as well!

Best Deals on John Frieda Brilliant Brunette Liquid Shine Luminous Color

I purchased this glaze to help cover up a few grays between colorings and to give me some overall shine. I already use the John Frieda foam colour (currently using light ash brown) and found this glaze while looking for another batch of permanent color. I though it might extend the time between colorings just a bit. I found the consistency of the glaze a little difficult to apply in the shower. I often found it sliding off my wet/damp hair before I could get it rubbed in. Since I was interested in covering grays, I started at my scalp and would then rub and comb the product down to the ends of my shoulder-blade-length hair. As mentioned by other reviewers this stuff stains. That's the idea, right? But note that it stains skin as well as hair. It's difficult to rinse it all off the scalp without scrubbing it which would remove it from the gray roots I'm trying to cover. And be sure to scrub, scrub, scrub your hands with some soap while you're waiting for the product to do its thing in your hair. (This stuff would make a great instant tan if you're going for a too-long-in-the-booth look.) Some days I rinse too well (or didn't leave it on long enough) and it doesn't look like I've even used the product. Other days I think this product adds a lovely shine. And some days if it doesn't get rinsed just right it just plain looks greasy. Feels like too much of a gamble to use this product on a regular basis.

I would not recommend it for covering grays (even if only temporarily) because of the scalp staining issue. If you spend enough time perfecting your technique, it would probably provide a good shine to hair that just needs a little boost.

Honest reviews on John Frieda Brilliant Brunette Liquid Shine Luminous Color

I am blown away by the John Frieda collection. I just started using their shampoo/conditioner/leave-in spray and nourishing lotion, plus the glaze for brunettes and their precision hair color and my hair looks and feels better than it has in a long while. The products do just what they say. I give them all 5 stars... Glaze is perfect alone or compliment to the precision hair color, easy to do alone and 100% gray coverage and gorgeous color.

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Earlier this week, I had my very dark hair lightened, with subtle lowlights. After the first washing, it lightened up much more than I had wanted, and in addition was very dry and unmanageable. I researched and read the reviews of this product. I used it for the first time this morning, along with Tresemme Colorthrive shampoo for brunettes. I am absolutely delighted with the results. My color is subtle and natural-looking, and my hair is remarkably shiny, soft, and easily styled. I admit I had little faith that the product would help significantly, so I am very, very pleasantly surprised. I was going to return to the salon for toner and conditioning treatment, but now I won't have to. Can't recommend this product enough. Caution: it will very slightly darken your hair unless it is already very dark, so consider that before you buy.

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