Review of Bio Ionic Retex Hair Straightening System, Retex Kit

Bio Ionic Retex Hair Straightening System, Retex Kit
Customer Ratings: 4.5 stars
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I read the descriptions of the product and said very clearly that inside the box I should find the relaxer, the neutralizer and the instruction booklet. Unfortunately the booklet was not inside the box. So I had to go on the internet to try to find the instructions to apply the product. It seems this is "recommended to use by a profesional"..oh., please. A beauty parlor charges you more than 500 dollars for this. This, believe me, you can do it your self. So in order for me to help all others who suffered the same as I, of not finding the instructions, here it goes:

To apply all steps you will need:

-Hair dryer (doesn't need to be Bio Ionic)

-Bio Ionic Conditioning straightener iron (Mus be Bio IOnic)

-Intensive Mosturizing Shampoo (if you buy the trio this product is inside)

-Intensive mosturizing reconstructor (if you buy the trio this product is inside)

SHine sealer (if you buy the trio this product is inside)

-Hair coloring brush

-Plastic gloves


This are the steps:

1Wash the hair with the Bio Ionic Shampoo, rinse and towel dry.

2Divide the head in 5 or 6 sections, and cover your hands with gloves.

3Put the gloves on and tart applying the #1 Product. No not apply to scalp, leave 1/2 inch. Work fast, and the maximum time depending on the type of hair is 30 minutes (fine hair less time). Then start massaging each section. Te product on this step smells bad, so it's normal. Use a fine comb to work the roots near the face. After time is out. Rinse very well. Do not shampoo, but make sure you rinse well.

4-Blow dry the hair with the hands and dryer, then start using the Iron and make sure you do it very well from the root to the ends.

5After you have finish ironing the hair, then you will need to apply the #2 (neutralizer). This will neutralize the #1 product still in your hair and will take all the bad odor from the hair and will stop the alcaline process from the number 1 product.

6Rinse well and shampoo 3 times with the Bio Ionic Shampoo. Rinse and then apply the mosturizing reconstructor. Massage and wear a plastic cap for like 30 minutes. Rinse well.

7Towel Dry your hair. Apply shine sealer to wet hair. Then blow dry hair. If you prefer blow drying with a hair dryer or the Bio Ionic Iron.

This is a very time consuming process, but believe me it's worth it. No wonder why hair salons charges so much money. But you can do it at home.

It's recommended not to wear any rubber bands, bobby pins or anything that can leave a wave in you hair. . Avoid sweat, don't wet you hair during shower, and sleep with a satin pillowcase.All this measures just for 72 hours.

I wrote this steps because I did not like not receiving the intruction booklet. I think this is somewhat a way to make you go to a professional salon. Hair pro's are human and intellingent like me and you, If they cand do it so can we, so there you go, do it yourself and don't spend money in a beauty parlor. Good bye to you all!

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I am so glad I tried this Bio-Ionic Retex System, Japanese Hair Straightening System... It was so easy to use with an amazing result. Just folow the simpole steps on how to do it and in one snap you will have the best hair ever straight and not even dry. I would definitely recommend this to all my friends...... The shipping as promise came on time. Amazing .!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Best Deals on Bio Ionic Retex Hair Straightening System, Retex Kit

Background: Naturally, I have very unmanageable thick, dark, kinky hair that is very resistent to straightening and easily frizz-prone. I've been getting annual Japanese Thermal Reconditioning treatments for about 7 years now. Salon costs usually run from at least $150 and up, so when I found out about this home kit, I was really excited to try it out.

Packaging: There are two tubs that fit nicely into one box. The first jar is the retexturing cream used to chemically straighten out the kinks in hair and the second cream is the neutralizing cream used to stop the chemical processing of the retexturing cream.

Procedure This is how I did it:

Washed hair with moisturizing shampoo. Did not use conditioner like directions indicated.

Asked my mother, who used to work in a hair salon, to section hair off into small part and apply retexturing cream #1 using a hair-dye brush and a comb to evenly distribute product.

I have long hair up to my chest and only used a third of a jar. (I recommend doing this in a well ventilated place because the ammonia smell is quite strong).Took about 30 min to finish application, even though directions say it should only last for 6. I wanted to be extra thorough.

Left on for another 30 minutes, like directions indicated. Looking back, I should have left it on for an hour. The hair on the bottom of the head got the full hour treatment since it was the first section for the cream to be applied, and it was much straighter when I used the flat iron than the top sections, which only got 30 min treatment. When I got this done in salons, the hairstylists would also leave it on for 45-60 minutes. I didn't this time because my hair was dyed twice in the past year and I was afraid of more damage. I do recommend the full hour leave on if you have resistent or virgin hair though. Also, for resistent hair, put hair in a shower cap (carefully, to ensure hair is still straight) and blow dry for the entire wait time for the chemicals to work more effectively.

Wash off thoroughly without using shampoo. Hair is veryy hard and sticks together like crazy at this point.

Blow dry thoroughly.

Section off hair again and using a good non-drugstore ceramic hair straightener (I used a Karmin professional 1 inch iron at 400 degrees) straighten each section carefully. Directions recommend 3 passes, but I used 4-5 passes for my hair to be straight, though wasn't pin straight. I did not get a pin-straight look as a result like I normally would in the salon. But that's because they usually do 6-10 passes that makes my hair extremely fragile and thin. Pin straight hair also greatly reduces volume and makes my face look bigger. I like this result much better because it looks like I got a Brazillian Keratin treatment, natural-looking straight, frizz free hair.

Finally, section hair off again and apply the cream #2 (this smells much better than cream #1) and wait for 10-20 minutes (directions recommend 7 min). Wash off, used conditioner on roots to detangle and follow up with leave-in protein treatment (I used Redken Extreme Anti-snap) for roots and nourishing oil (jojoba oil, emu oil, olive oil, coconut oil, etc) for the entire head.

I'm very happy with the result. It did not look like I went to the salon and got an obvious hair-straightening procedure. Rather, it looks like I was born with naturally straight hair. Still have 2/3 of the tube left and will be using again in another 6 months or so. Highly recommended!

Honest reviews on Bio Ionic Retex Hair Straightening System, Retex Kit

This product is AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU DO NOT NEED TO GO TO A PROFESSIONALLLLL!!!! Seriously.

I have in between curly/wavy RED hair that is very long and very dry (the ends were chemically processed a long time ago the top of my hair is virgin hair). I was a little worried that this product would destroy my hair but i am one of those "itll grow back people" so i went for it. I am 9 months preggo and have a 1 year ld daughter so i have NO time to do my hair anymore (my hair take 60 minutes+ every other day) so i bought this praying it would cut down on my styling time. The 1st product is fumy!!! very very strong. since i am preggo i did the application outside. Before i put down what i did you should know I am NOT a hair stylist and i have never dont anything to my hair myself... no color or anything, so it was my first time working with chemicals (and it was cake)

Products i used:

sallys highlighting hair color brush 1.99

Bio ionic retex system (not the trio) just the box of 2 products 30.00

Suave clarifying shampoo .89

3 minute miracle conditioner 3.99

Revlon straighter 430 degrees 24.99

revlon blow dryer 30.00

plastic clips. 2.00

round brush from walmart 3.00

Here is what I did:

1. I read the directions and watched the dvd it came with. Kind of important.

2. I washed my hair with a generic clarifying shampoo

3. I had my mother section off my hair with clips and used the hair color brush to apply the first product ALL over. I started with the bottom section and worked my way to the top of my head. The application took 35 minutes and i left it on once applied for an extra 35 minutes.

4. I performed the processing test, i took a small strand of hair wrapped it around both index fingers and stretched it to make sure it would stretch 50% of its original length, it did so i washed it out....

5. I Rinsed my hair NO SHAMPOO!!! For 10 minutes very, very gently. I basically just stood under the water for five minutes and let the product loosen ( it was very thick and stiff) and then used my fingers to gently get out the rest.

6. I gently towel dried my hair, i just pat my head all over until it wasnt dripping anymore.

7. I dried my hair with an inexpensive revlon blow dryer until it was completely dry, i used a round brush and my fingers to untangle hair while drying.

8. i used a REVLON straighter at 430 degrees to get my hair poker straight, about 6 passes on each strand.

9. My mom gently sectioned off my hair again and CAKED product number two all over my hair keeping my hair as straight as possible. I left product on for 7 minutes.

10. Rinsed it out for 10 minutes in the shower. and used my conditioner for 3 minutes

11. I blew dry my hair but i didnt have to straighten it because it came out poker straight

This product has saved me SO much time and effort. Now i dont know what to do with my straightening irons.

My hair is still perfectly healthy BTW. It did lighten up a TINY bit though, but it noticeable to anyone but me. $500.00 hair salon treatment?? no way this is way better.

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The background:

I've done the Japanese hair straightening system a few times in the past at various hair salons so I'm somewhat familiar with the process. The results was nice and straight, but also a long drawn out process, damaging, and also pretty costly. Because of that, I haven't bothered for the past 5 years. I have Asian hair that is thick, coarse, frizzy, and wavy. To make it worse, I have big waves mixed with tiny waves. This makes my hair quite confused and also very unmanageable and I've used many products over the years to try and tame it. I've kept it long for years, usually around middle of my back down to my waist. Some days I straighten it and other days, I just put in lots of products to weigh it down. Recently, I got a new haircut with side bangs and lots of layers down to the middle of my back. While I received lots of compliments with this haircut, I also had to take a lot of extra time to style it. Since it was so time consuming, I decided to get my hair permanently straightened again. I did a bit of research and decided to do it at home and with this product.

Salon versus do it yourself at home:

I've read some reviews here where professionals say to leave it to the professionals as we commoners don't know what we are doing and can mess up horribly. While this is true and some have ended up with damaging results, I think knowledge is key. Some have ended up with horrible results despite going to a professional (either over processed it or didn't take precautions for single or double processed hair or hair is too weak and fine for this product). Also, I think it is fair to say that salons also have to run a business and have to be very efficient. They need to balance out how to make you happy and efficiently run a business. You have to live with your hair so you care more about your hair than anyone else. When I'm at a salon, it usually takes 4-5 hours to get my hair straightened. Part of it is also because it takes a few people to do my hair and also because everyone goes off to tend to other clients while my hair was being processed so sometimes I end up with over processed hair because of that. So again, educate yourself so you have a better idea of what you are doing. If you have done this before or have seen it done before, this will help you a lot. Do your research prior to putting this product in your hair. Some people mentioned YouTube as well so go watch a few videos. You can research the process more beyond what is in the instructions. Also, I think it is better to not leave the product in long enough than to over process it and create a lot more damage. Do what's best for you.

The process:

The product came in a box with 2 tubs. #1 is to retexture your hair and #2 is to neutralize it. I have hair that is dyed a lighter color. The instructions had recommended putting in hair products to protect it. The list included IonFixx and IonTherapy for those with single process hair. I didn't purchase neither one prior to ordering this product as I didn't realize I needed it until I read the actual instructions. You would also need clarifying shampoo to take out all the product build up that is in your hair. Also, you would need gloves, applicator to apply the product, clips, straightener, and flat iron.

I decided to use a apple cider vinegar rinse prior to washing my hair with regular shampoo to get rid of the product buildup. Then I proceed with putting in the product. Now, I really don't recommend this product for fine hair as this product is quite strong and if you don't have coarse, thick, and resistant hair, you run the risk of greatly damaging your hair and not getting the results that you want. I took a wooden stick applicator used for applying wax and used it to take the product of the tub. The product is very thick and quite easy to apply. I started putting the product on the most coarse parts of my hair (top and back) first and then the rest of my hair. The whole process took me about 25-30 minutes and I then tested it to see if it is ready by taking a piece of my hair and slowly pulling on it. If it starts to slowly stretch and not snap, wash it out immediately. My hair was starting to stretch as I was pulling on it so I then went to wash it out. Next, you would need to blow dry and straighten your hair. I took about an hour here as it is very important to get your hair straight. The recommended time is 30 minutes but my previous straightening experience has taught me to take time and straighten it well and as close to the roots as possible or you might get this weird bit of coarse hair close to your scalp. Next, I proceeded on to apply #2 (neutralizer). Here is where you have to be careful. You do not want to exceed the 7 minutes. I read the reviews to comb it while the neutralizer is in your hair. I did not comb my hair. From what I've noticed in the past while going through the Japanese straightening process, combing my hair while the neutralizer is in actually causes a lot of breakage to my hair. Just make sure you are applying this product evenly. While applying, I did make a mistake and had lost track of time and may have left it on longer than the 7 minutes. I quickly applied it and waited a few minutes and then proceeded to rinse it out. I think this part may have damaged my hair. I rinsed for 15-20 minutes in the shower. Do not shampoo. Afterwards, you would need to dry and style. This whole process from beginning to end took me about 3 hours. Do not clip or tie up your hair as it will leave dents in your hair. Wait 72 hours prior to shampooing for best results. This product left my hair a lot straighter and saves me a lot of time as

The results:

I can now wash my hair and get out the door or smooth it out with a flat iron. It is not stick straight as I actually don't like that look but it looks straight enough with a bit of volume. This product has brought down my styling time to 5-10 minutes from the original 60 minutes. I did find a few split ends and hair that may have been over processed but nothing as damaging as my previous Japanese straightening process at the salon. I still have more than half of product left in each tub for future touch ups and stored it in a dark dry place. Great price for the amount of product you get. Next time, I will make sure to keep better track of time as I think the damage came from the neutralizer and I may have left it on longer than needed. This is my personal experience and I do recommend this product for those with similar hair types. Again, do your research prior to use.

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