TANGLEFIX Tear Free Styling Brush Reviews

TANGLEFIX Tear Free Styling Brush
Customer Ratings: 4 stars
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I really wanted it to work, to be the miracle. Well, it isn't. It's just like every other brush we tried. My child says combing hair hurts just as much as with our regular brush.

Not worth it.

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I bought this brush at my local drug store for my 7 year old daughter. Her hair is very long and curly and gets really tangled. Every morning is a struggle to brush and style her hair. This brush is a miracle! My daughter absolutely loves it. Just one pass through the hair and it is all nicely combed without pulling or breaking any hair. Finally my daughter loves to brush her hair. And she begged me to buy a few more just in case....

Best Deals on TANGLEFIX Tear Free Styling Brush

These are some awesome brushes. The TangleFix is like a miracle worker. For the first time ever I can brush my three-year old's hair without a fighting match. It glides right through and takes out all the tangles, leaving hair smooth and knot-free. This is a must have for any parent with a little girl, but it works just as well on adult hair too. My hair is fine and always tangles easily. Half the time I would be ripping out hunks when I tried to comb it. Now with this brush. Knots just aren't a problem. And of course my daughter loves the sparkly design.

Honest reviews on TANGLEFIX Tear Free Styling Brush

I got this brush today.It goes right through hair! It really works! After one brush all around your head it does not hurt any more.

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