Andis 60070 Comfort Dry Ionic/Ceramic Pet Dryer Review

Andis 60070 Comfort Dry Ionic/Ceramic Pet Dryer
Customer Ratings: 4 stars
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I am so glad that I purchased this. I have 3 dogs (pug & 2 Chihuahua's) and 1 Persian kitten. The dogs get a bath about once a month, but my Persian kitten needs grooming on a consistent basis. He gets brushed every night, but he needs baths weekly (this is a breed that is known to be high maintenance). My dogs never minded (too much, haha) with my using a regular blow dryer-but when I pulled out my blow dryer and tried to use it on Sterling he just about shot through the roof with fright due to the high intensity noise. I needed something that would work, without the excessive heat, but with a comfortable noise level.

Originally, I was looking into more expensive dryers, but I came across this one and decided to give it a shot before spending more than $80 on my first go. I am very glad I did!

The stand: The stand, for me, is the best component of this dryer. Others have posted a review that it can tip and this is correct as it can be top heavy with the blow dryer inserted into it (reason why I gave it 4 stars instead of 5). To counteract this flaw I make sure I have it on the heat setting that I wish prior to putting it in. Then I position the stand (airflow more up or down) when I get it in. Then when I am ready to use it I just turn it on and basically don't mess with the settings (i.e. heat setting or positioning of the dryer in the stand). My dogs are content to sit still during a blow drying session, but my cat is not so forgiving. I turn the dryer on and hold my kitten, brushing as it dries and then move him around in my hands to get all areas dry. Works wonders! He is close to my body and feels more at ease and I can get the job done in a fraction of the time.

The noise level: There are two levels-high and low. The high setting is too much for my cat, but my dogs have no problem with it. I would say that the high setting is close in noise level to my hair dryer. The low setting though has been perfect for my kitten. No blow dryer is going to be void of some noise, but this certainly is more easing to the ears and not as "high pitched". On the low level, Sterling (my kitten), will actually lean his head back with ease while I comb his neck area. This would have been near impossible with my human hair dryer.

Heat level: I am super pleased with the heat levels on this dryer. There are 3: Cool, Warm and Hot. Owners need to take care when blow drying their pets because irritation and damage can be a result. The "heat" component of a blow dryer really is not what makes the hair dry-it's the air power that is needed. Also excessive heat can make a pets hair dry and brittle (yes, just like human hair). My dogs had absolutely no problem with this on high heat. It is not quite as hot as my human blow dryer, but it does reach an intensity that you would not want to hold it directly close to the skin for a moderate amount of time, otherwise, it would be uncomfortable and could potentially have some damage.

On my kitten I have been using the "warm" setting and that has been perfect for him. It's not so cold that I wonder if he is going to get chilled, but it's not too hot that I worry about damage or irritation. I would describe this setting to the feeling of "tepid water" level. I really have not used the cool setting. I tried it and it basically is like just air blowing without any heat component.

Drying time: When drying my dogs and kitten this has exceptionally surpassed my human hair dryer by cutting the time it took to dry their coat by at least 60%. It takes between 5-7 minutes to blow dry my kitten and his coat is completely dry, yet still soft and without any damage.

As of the time of writing this review I have used this dryer about 8 times. I am very pleased with this product and happy I decided to give this a try before investing more money into another pet dryer. I would recommend this product to you if you feel you will not need to mess with the heat and/or position of the hair dryer constantly while drying the animal. Also, it takes two hands, not one, to move the position of the hair dryer. If you are have another person with you, you could easily ask them to switch the heat setting to X and move the air flow more up/down-but that is essentially a hassle.

Pros: The price is a fraction of what other's charge; the stand comes in handy-you can brush and blow dry at the same time; different heat settings for comfort of the animal; noise level on low is really tolerable; dries the animals coat very quickly without damage.

Cons: You are not able to maneuver the stand without two hands and it is top heavy with the dryer inserted; high setting is close to the noise level of a human hair dryer.

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I use this dryer for my Shi-tzu mix, he has a lot of hair. I used to go to the pet store self wash. This dryer takes about the same time as their big hose dryer, but uses warmer air and is easier to maneuver.

I like the stand and found it to be sturdy enough, but I don't use it because it's hard to hold the dog in the focused air stream. I find it easier to put the dog on my lap and hold the dryer.

It's about the same volume as my 1875 watt Ionic hair dryer for people, but moves a LOT more air and dries MUCH faster. They seem the same on paper, but this Andis is made to move a lot of water from a lot of fur, and it does. It's also much lighter weight than my "people" hair dryer.

Best Deals on Andis 60070 Comfort Dry Ionic/Ceramic Pet Dryer

After using this a while I'm very disappointed. I have 7 small dogs and groom them myself. I bought this dryer because of its stand. Have found the stand to be pretty useless. It manages to stand if it is upright and is not jarred. There are settings to tilt it, which I have to do for my dogs and the

dryer just falls over. The stand is very lightweight plastic and the dryer's weight just pulls it down. Also have found that the "Cool" setting is pretty warm. Sorry I bought it. Has a nice strong "High" speed setting.

Honest reviews on Andis 60070 Comfort Dry Ionic/Ceramic Pet Dryer

The Andis 60070 Pet Dryer could use some updates and modifications. It is basically a good dryer. The heat and speed settings are good. It is the stand that is the problem. The base needs more weight because when in certain positions, the dryer tends to tip over, base and all. Second, the dryer claims to have five settings on the base for positioning the dryer at different angles. 2 of them are basically unusable. One faces the dryer up toward the ceiling, the other faces it down onto the table. The three middle settings are slightly off from what is needed to dry a toy dog. There needs to be 4 settings in the middle for positioning the dryer.

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I found the warm temperature to be comfortable for our dogand the temps are adjustable. Seems to be powerful and certainly very convenient and helpful in the dog grooming process. Only reason I gave it 4 stars instead of 5 is because the stand did come apart when we put the dryer back onyou need to handle this part with care. It popped right back together, so overall a good product.

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